I'm a fourth-year mathematics graduate student at the University of Washington in Seattle.
My research interests primarily reside in algebraic geometry, algebraic topology, and combinatorics.
I am advised by Sándor Kovács.
Papers and preprints:
A tropical framework for using Porteous' formula, in progress.
A1-Brouwer degrees in Macaulay2, with Nikita Borisov, Thomas Brazelton, Frenly Espino, Thomas Hagedorn, Zhaobo Han, Jordy Lopez Garcia, Joel Louwsma, and Gabriel Ong. To appear in Journal of Software for Algebra and Geometry. 2024.
On discrete gradient vector fields and Laplacians of simplicial complexes, with Ivan Contreras. Published in Annals of Combinatorics. 2023.
Quantum Jacobi forms and sums of tails identities, with Amanda Folsom, Lizzie Pratt, and Noah Solomon. Published in Research in Number Theory. 2022.
Graduate Seminars:
Seminars I am now running:
Tropical Geometry Seminar* (co-organized with Dhruv Bhatia)
Seminars organized in the past:
Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry Seminar (co-organized with Cameron Wright)
∞-Category Theory Reading Seminar (co-organized with Nelson Niu and Soham Ghosh)
Knot Number Theory Reading Seminar (co-organized with Alex Galarraga)
Algebraic Geometry Reading Seminar (co-organized with Alex Wang)
* This seminar will continue into Autumn 2024.
I enjoy the blurring of art and mathematics. Here I am sculpting of a Clebsch surface.